Wrestling will help you get fit and stay healthy!

About Wrestling

Wrestling is a combat sport which you wrestle your 1 versus 1. There are many wrestling types like Greco-Roman, Freestyle and Oil wrestling. You can win by pinning your opponent to the ground or by  points overall.


March 15,2014 is BC open matches. Then from April 4-6, 2014 Cadet Juvenile Championships will be held. July 17-20 the BC National Games will be held. 

Website for BC Wrestling:


Abbotsford Wrestling Teams

*Guru Gobind Wrestling Club

*Miri Piri Wrestling Club

*Abby Wrestling Club

Wrestling Moves

Single leg takedown, Double leg takedown, Low single leg takedown, Ties Ups, Duckunder, Firemans carry, Bear hug, headlock, Peterson, Nelsons, Armbar, Backarch, Suplex and many more.

First Wrestling

Greco Roman wrestling became a olympic sport in Athens 1896. Then afterwards in 1908 it became an official Summer Olympic Sport.

Contact me: 8j_anmol@atmssabres.com